It’s part 9 of our Names of God series! We are highlighting different names and character attributes of The Lord. Understanding who God is and who we are in Him are vital parts of walking in freedom and remaining rooting in who we are created to be. This week we are learning about Jehovah Nissi– The Lord is our banner, our source of victory, He fights for us. In ancient times, a banner was a bare pole with a bright shining ornament that would sparkle in the sun. The Lord is the light that we shine into the world, and the world will recognize we are His by the light that we carry.
Read MoreWe’re back! This week Jes is sharing Part 8 of our Names of God series! We are highlighting different names and character attributes of The Lord. Understanding who God is and who we are in Him are vital parts of walking in freedom and remaining rooting in who we are created to be. This week we are learning about Jehovah Rapha (Ropheka)– He restores our souls, he is healer and solace. The healing power of The Lord has the ability to bring sweetness to the things in your life that were once bitter. The ultimate act of Jehovah Rapha, our Healer, is sending Jesus to die on the cross to bring healing and freedom from sin.
Read MoreMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This week Jes is wrapping up the year with a look back at 2023 and sharing a few hopes and dreams for 2024.
Read MoreThis week we are honored to welcome Katie Newberg back to the show! Katie is a wedding photographer and blogger over at her site Bungalows & Olives! In this episode, Katie recaps the powerful testimony that she shared in Season 3, Episode 26 of the podcast, and she goes on to update us on the seemingly insurmountable challenges that she has faced since our last interview. Despite all of the odds stacked against her, Katie's story once again reminds us that nothing is impossible with God! You won't want to miss this story of hope, miracles, and overcoming the darkness! Also, stay tuned for some of our Christmas favorites at the end of the show.
Read MoreThis week I’m excited to bring you my conversation with Laura Swisher. I was blown away by her vulnerability as she shared the struggles that she has walked through and the ways that God has shown up in her life to bring her a life of freedom and recovery. Laura serves as Executive Director for Seeds of Hope, a nonprofit organization that provides college scholarships to bright young leaders. Tune is as Laura reminds us about the love of the Father and His ability to meet us in our lowest moments and provide in ways that we could never have imagined on our own!
Read MoreThis week we are honored to welcome author, podcaster, and non-profit leader, Georgette Jackson to the podcast. Georgette is the founder of Divine Rest, which provides guidance, support and housing for women who are in need of a fresh start. In this episode, Georgette shares how she walked through a heartbreaking story of loss, and found freedom, healing and joy in the midst of her grief. If you are longing for rest, walking through grief, or waiting to see God’s promises fulfilled, then this episode is for you!
Read MoreWelcome to Season Six!! We are so excited to start a new season in the podcast and in life. Tune in to hear an exciting (and long-awaited) life update from Jes, and a message of hope about Jehovah Jireh– God as our Provider, the One Who Sees to It. Jes shares that the very thing that God provides to fulfill our needs is not a thing at all– rather, it’s Himself. We hope you walk away from this episode knowing that you have access to the peace, power and presence of the God of the Universe. He will always provide a way for His promises to be true. He did not promise that life would be easy, but HE did promise that He would never leave you nor forsake you.
Read MoreKelly Kashmer is the founder and Executive Director of NothingPink, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase awareness of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers and provide personalized support for individuals at high risk. Kelly formed the organization following a positive cancer diagnosis only two weeks after a BRCA2 positive result. After finishing chemotherapy and 11 surgeries, Kelly formed the 501(c)3 organization in order to make a difference in the lives of women in her community. From that moment forward, she has served as founder and Executive Director to increase awareness of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers and provide personalized support for individuals at high risk.
Read MoreWe are so excited to welcome Danielle Smith to the podcast! Danielle is a breast cancer survivor, devoted wife, and a proud mother to a wonderful autistic daughter. In this episode, she shares about how to cling to God through unexpected struggle, and how to keep walking even when you grow weary. Whether you’re at the beginning of a struggle, you’ve been in it for a while, or you’ve recently walked out of it– this episode is for you!
Read MoreThis week I am so excited to welcome Kennisha Griffin to the podcast!. Kennisha is an author, and the founder and CEO of Create and Blossom Literary Studios- a book writing, publishing, and publicity firm that helps authors write their books and establish their new careers. Tune in as Kennisha opens up about leaning into God through times of suffering, and overcoming fear, reclaiming her voice, and meditating on the character of God. You won’t want to miss this episode!
Read MoreThis week we are excited to welcome Jenny Randle to the podcast! Jenny went from a career in the heart of Hollywood to a faith-based author, national speaker, and chart-topping podcaster. Her search for meaning in the everyday moments of life has led her to write her newest book Flash Theology, where readers go deeper into biblical truth without drowning. Join Jenny and Jes as they dive into what it means to glorify and enjoy God, and how we can move forward with giving God our ‘yes’!
Read MoreThis week, Jes is flying solo and sharing a personal message about how she has recently experienced God as El Shaddai – God Almighty, All-Sufficient One, Protector, Unconditional Lover of Your Soul. We first see this name used in Genesis 17 when God once again appears to Abraham. If there was ever a time when someone needed a reminder that God is all-sufficient, it would be here! Join Jes as she dives into the passage and shares three lessons to deepen our understanding of God as El Shaddai.
Read MoreThis week on the show, I am excited to welcome Brett Boner to the show! Brett is a former professional golfer and a current financial advisor. In this episode, Brett gives hope to those who feel like God is distant or not hearing their prayers. Brett also shares about an accident that he had in 2021 and the radical ways that God showed up for him and used this situation to change his perspective on life and community. If you’re walking through a challenging season, then this is the perfect episode to remind you that with Christ you have nothing to fear; in Him you can do hard things!
Read MoreThis week I am so excited to welcome Chayil Johnson to the podcast! Chayil is the Executive Chef at Community Matters Cafe in Charlotte, NC, where the core mission is helping the men and women of the Charlotte Rescue Mission, who are battling addiction and substance abuse, by teaching life skills and then implementing them in the setting of the cafe and restaurant. In this conversation, we dive into topics relating to faith, using your gifts for the Kingdom of God, fighting the desire to compare, and lessons learned from David and Esther in the Bible. I believe this interview will motivate you to pursue your passions with new fervor!
Read MoreThis week we are thrilled to welcome Gary Thomas back to the show for the third time! It’s not a question of if your marriage will face trials. It’s a question of when. In his new book, Making Your Marriage a Fortress: Strengthening Your Marriage to Withstand Life’s Storms, Gary Thomas prepares couples to keep their marriage together when it feels like the world is determined to rip it apart. In this episode, Gary shares encouragement and practical advice for married and single people alike!
Read MoreThis week I’m so excited to welcome Dani Riley to the show! Dani dives deep into the unchanging character of God, discerning the voice of God in your life, and living a life of faith. If you have ever felt disqualified from being used by God because of shame or sin in your life, then Dani’s message of God’s grace and provision is for you!
Read MoreThis week we are excited to welcome Becca Arguello to the show! Jes and Becca served together in Monterrey, Mexico with Back2Back Ministries. In this episode, Becca shares her story of the many ways that God opened surprising doors and taught her about His joy each step of the way. Becca’s story encourages us all to step out boldly in faith and fearlessly following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. You won’t want to miss this one!
Read MoreThis week we welcome singer, songwriter and harpist, Megan Tibbits to the show! Megan shares about the crazy doors that God has opened along her journey– from touring with Bob Goff, to arranging songs for J Lo! In this conversation, Megan reminds us that God loves to give good things to us. If you are feeling discouraged in a season of ‘not yet’, then this episode is for you!
Read MoreThis week we welcome our dear friend, Reem Grammatico, to the show! Reem shares openly about how God used a time of change and loneliness to “wake her up” and lead her to deeper intimacy with Him. She provides hope and encouragement as she reminds us that God is our Defender as we walk through seasons of fear, anxiety or unknown. As you listen today, remember that The Lord sees you exactly where you are and nothing surprises Him!
Read MoreWe are very excited to welcome singer and songwriter, Kellie Haddock, to the show! Kellie shares a radical message of God’s faithfulness through unthinkable tragedy; reminding us that God’s faithfulness is not contingent on what happens. She speaks hope and light into the messy places of our lives. You will not want to miss this one! Stay tuned to the end for a special song from Kellie!
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