Posts in Names of God Series
S7 Episode #12- Jehovah Tsidkenu

This week on The Collected Podcast, Jes is sharing Part 12 of our Names of God series! Over the past few years we have been highlighting different names and character attributes of The Lord. Understanding who God is and who we are in Him are vital parts of walking in freedom and remaining rooting in who we are created to be. This week we are learning about Jehovah Tsidkenu– The Lord Our Righteousness.

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S7 Episode #10- Jehovah Shalom

This week on The Collected Podcast, Jes is sharing Part 11 of our Names of God series! Over the past few years we have been highlighting different names and character attributes of The Lord. Understanding who God is and who we are in Him are vital parts of walking in freedom and remaining rooting in who we are created to be. This week we are learning about Jehovah Shalom– The Lord Our Peace. Through the study of the life of Gideon, we learn that nothing surprises God or is too hard for God. Join Jes as she dives into the passage and shares fresh insights to deepen our understanding of God as Jehovah Shalom– the true source of lasting peace.

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S7 Episode #7 - Immanuel, God with Us

Merry Christmas! This week on The Collected Podcast, Jes is sharing the next message in our Names of God Series. Throughout this series, we have been highlighting different names of The Lord. Understanding who God is and who we are in Him are vital parts of walking in freedom and remaining rooting in who we are created to be! Today we are circling back to IMMANUEL, God With Us. This name of Jesus reminds us that He is with us always and in everything – in our suffering, in our pain and sorrow, in our joy, in our conflict, in our sin, in our uncertainty– in all the things that we experience in a broken world. Jesus did not shy away from these things and He with us through everything. Tune in for a message of hope and peace as we enter into the Advent Season.

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S7 Episode #5 - Jehovah Rohi, The Lord Our Shepherd

This week on The Collected Podcast, Jes is sharing the next message in our Names of God Series! Throughout this series, we have been highlighting different names of The Lord. Understanding who God is and who we are in Him are vital parts of walking in freedom and remaining rooting in who we are created to be! Today we are circling back to JEHOVAH ROHI. This name highlights The Lord as our loving shepherd. In the Ancient Near East, a good shepherd would endure danger, extreme weather conditions and sleeplessness in order to protect and provide for his sheep. In the same way, God protects us from danger, provides us with nourishments through His Word, stays by our side through times of struggle, and seeks after our hearts when we wander away. This is such a beautiful picture of care and selfless love!

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S7 Episode #1 - Jes French

The Collected Podcast is BACK! We’re so excited to start Season 7 with a renewed vision and a new name… for our host! Jes (now French!)  is sharing a summer update about her wedding and the plans for this upcoming season. Join us as we review the nine names of God that we have studied over the past three seasons and look ahead to more exciting deep dives in the future! Check out the blog for a few wedding photos and links to each episode that is referenced in the show today.

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S6 Episode #13- Jehovah Shammah, The Lord Is There

This week Jes is circling back to Part 2 of our Names of God series as we dig deeper into JEHOVAH SHAMMAH, The Lord is There. The first time we see this name in the Bible is in the book of Ezekiel, when the prophet receives a vision of God– Jehovah Shammah– in the New Jerusalem. At this point, the Isrealites have been in captivity in Babylon for 25 years. The temple and city was in ruins, and yet this vision from God was a reminder that God is still there in the city and with His people– even when they are in captivity because of their sin. This name is a powerful reminder to the ancient Israelites that God has NOT forsaken them, He was there with them, and He will be faithful to fulfill His promises.  This name is also a powerful reminder to us that wherever we are, whatever our circumstance, God is there. You are not forsaken or forgotten, no matter what you have done! Tune in to learn more!

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S6 Episode #11- Jehovah M'Kaddesh, The Lord who Sanctifies

This week Jes is sharing Part 10 of our Names of God series! We are highlighting different names and character attributes of The Lord, and this week we are learning about Jehovah M’Kaddesh– the Lord who sanctifies, who cleanses, and makes us holy and set apart. This episode is airing right after this year’s celebration of Easter, and I can’t think of a better time to dig into the significance behind this name of God. Afterall, Jesus lived a perfectly holy life– set apart for a divine purpose. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is what created a way for us to be seen as holy by a Holy God. The episode also discusses the importance of observing the Sabbath as a way to remain rooted in our identity and create a rhythm of rest and refocus.

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S6 Episode #8- Jehovah Nissi, The Lord Our Banner

It’s part 9 of our Names of God series! We are highlighting different names and character attributes of The Lord. Understanding who God is and who we are in Him are vital parts of walking in freedom and remaining rooting in who we are created to be. This week we are learning about  Jehovah Nissi– The Lord is our banner, our source of victory, He fights for us. In ancient times, a banner was a bare pole with a bright shining ornament that would sparkle in the sun. The Lord is the light that we shine into the world, and the world will recognize we are His by the light that we carry.

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S6 Episode #6- Jehovah Rapha, The Lord Our Healer

We’re back! This week Jes is sharing Part 8 of our Names of God series! We are highlighting different names and character attributes of The Lord. Understanding who God is and who we are in Him are vital parts of walking in freedom and remaining rooting in who we are created to be. This week we are learning about Jehovah Rapha (Ropheka)– He restores our souls, he is healer and solace. The healing power of The Lord has the ability to bring sweetness to the things in your life that were once bitter. The ultimate act of Jehovah Rapha, our Healer, is sending Jesus to die on the cross to bring healing and freedom from sin.

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S5 Episode #14 - Jes + El Shaddai

This week, Jes is flying solo and sharing a personal message about how she has recently experienced God as El Shaddai – God Almighty, All-Sufficient One, Protector, Unconditional Lover of Your Soul. We first see this name used in Genesis 17 when God once again appears to Abraham. If there was ever a time when someone needed a reminder that God is all-sufficient, it would be here! Join Jes as she dives into the passage and shares three lessons to deepen our understanding of God as El Shaddai.

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S5 Episode #5- Jes + El Roi

This week we bring you a very special New Year episode! I’m flying solo this week as we dive into the story of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar and El Roi- The God Who Sees. This is a very special message that God has laid on my heart for those who feel or have ever felt overlooked, forgotten, or invisible. I pray that this episode will start to bring healing for past wounds and hope for the year to come!

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