S5 Episode #23 - Jenny Randle


This week we are excited to welcome Jenny Randle to the podcast! Jenny went from a career in the heart of Hollywood to a faith-based author, national speaker, and chart-topping podcaster. Her search for meaning in the everyday moments of life has led her to write her newest book Flash Theology, where readers go deeper into biblical truth without drowning. Join Jenny and Jes as they dive into what it means to glorify and enjoy God, and how we can move forward with giving God our ‘yes’!


Jenny Randle is an Emmy®-award winning editor who went on a journey to discover what it really means to live on purpose. From a career in the heart of Hollywood to a faith-based author and communicator, her creative ventures over the last twenty years have reached millions.

In early 2018, Jenny and her husband, Matt, formed Freedom Creatives, an international ministry organization that merges Gospel-centered truths with practical application. Jenny is passionate about communicating God’s kingdom into the heartbeat of our culture through classes, bible teaching, and prayer events. She's also the co-host of a fun and top-ranked podcast – Shut the Should Up and has authored Courageous Creative, Getting to Know God's Voice, Dream Come True and her newest book Flash Theology: A Visual Guide to Knowing and Enjoying God More. 

Jenny's search for meaning in the everyday moments of life has led her to work toward a master's in theology and she’s been a rising voice in mentoring creatives. Jenny and her family live on an island in northern Florida. Christ-follower, wife, mom of two young kids, and frozen pizza-heater-upper, Jenny’s confetti is cued to celebrate God's redemptive work within our lives.



Jenny came to know the Lord at a young age, but when she was in highschool she realized that she didn’t really know anything about Him. When she was 18, she truly heard the Gospel for the first time. This changed everything and began her journey into knowing Jesus on a deeper level. 

Jenny continued to grow with Jesus in her 20s as she pursued a career in video editing. This was her dream career and it opened doors to serve at her church on the video editing team. 

There came a point where she said, “Ok, Lord! Whatever you want from me, I’ll do it.” 

She felt The Lord say, “You will impact all aspects of media, and you will do it for me.” 

When she was in her dream job as an editor, she felt called to become a speaker. It was time to move out from behind the camera and take the stage for herself. 

So many jobs she had along the way seemed random or disconnected, and yet God used every single one of them to open doors and lead Jenny into what she was meant to do. 

You may find this in your life too. All of the experiences and opportunities that seem disconnected may one day serve a far greater purpose that you realize right now. God is at work and sees the big picture. 

At the moment things may seem complicated or chaotic, but when we look back we can often see how God connected all of the dots. 


You will never “arrive” here on earth. You can take the pressure off of yourself. 

God is always at work– nothing is random or a mistake. You can rest in his purpose and plan. 

Catechism Question: What is the chief end of man? 

Answer: To glorify and enjoy God! 

This is the goal! In all the small things in life– when you find enjoyment in God– you are fulfilling your purpose. You glorify God when you enjoy Him! 

There is such freedom in this concept! God can use all the small things in your life for His plan and purpose. 

We can often make things very “work based” when we strive to earn God’s approval. We need to remember that we are allowed to simply enjoy Him. 

“Do it again, Lord!” 

This is an outpouring of worship– when we are in awe of God’s creation. 

Delight is an act of worship! 


Jenny felt called to be a speaker, she battled every excuse to not do it. Her excuses delayed her for a decade before she released all of her fears and decided to move forward with what God was leading her to do. 

Her excuses were wrapped up in her own shortcomings. 

She realized that the question was NOT, “Who do you think you are?” The real question is, “Who do you think God is?” 

God is worthy of all of our worship through every single gift that we have. 

When God invites you to do something, saying “yes” will allow you to see Him provide in ways you could have never imagined! 

God will fill every single gap where you lack. 

When we struggle with feelings of unworthiness, we are focusing on ourselves rather than the worthiness of God! 

God was in the darkness before the torment took it over. The darkness can be a placeholder for the unlimited potential of God to pour out into our lives. We can ask God’s light to shine in any area of our life where we feel fear or insecurity. He can turn it ALL to good. He can turn the lights on. He can radically change everything because He was there first. 

… Pausing notes for Jes’ quick therapy session …

What is your ONE next step? Take it one step at a time.


Many Christians either think theology is too complicated to understand or wonder if it even matters. Jenny and her co-author, Brayden Brookshier, believe Christians are missing out if they leave theology to pastors and scholars. Flash Theory help readers:

  • Understand theology through compelling visual aids.

  • See the connection between God’s character and their own identities.

  • Internalize truths about God’s heart for them.

  • Find encouragement in life’s purpose through a greater understanding of who God is.

Get the book! 


The stability of the truth of who God is makes us unshakable. When your world feels broken, God is a healer. God is a friend. God is unchanging. 

When you know the truth of God, you will not be shaken. 

We have escalogical hope that God will finish what He started! He will fulfill every promise and bring full restoration and redemption. 

Let God’s truth shape every facet of who you are. When you embrace this truth, you will be able to walk fully into who you are created to be. 




Flash Theology


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  • The Collected Podcast is a production of Collected Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping disciples of Jesus discover and live from their true identity in Christ, recognize and walk in their divine purpose within the Kingdom of God, and experience growth in their capacity for mature, healthy relationships.

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  • The Collected Podcast is produced by Jes Biondo and edited by Jacob Early. Cover art designed by Ben Biondo.