S3 Episode #24- Jonathan Scott


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W​​ith over 35 years of full time ministry experience with churches in Florida and North Carolina, Jonathan has been extensively involved in ministering to youth, college-aged, single and married adults and senior adults in both worship, preaching/teaching and pastoral responsibilities. He currently serves as a primary preacher/teacher for Forest Hill Church and Campus Pastor of the South Park Campus in Charlotte, NC. He has also served in itinerant capacities as speaker/teacher, worship leader, concert artist in churches, workshops, seminars, retreats and conferences in venues throughout the United States, in South Africa, Mozambique, Korea, Indonesia, Austria, Grand Bahamas, Honduras and the Dominican Republic. Jonathan also had experience in doing radio and TV work and projects as music recording artist and producer. He also has messages and devotionals released through INSP.

Jonathan’s passion is to promote and facilitate spiritual formation and growth in others through discipleship, mentoring and pastoral counseling. He has a deep love for people and a driving desire to see them connected with the dynamic life of God in Christ.

 Born in New York, raised by Jamaican parents, Jonathan grew up in the Bahamas and Miami FL. He currently resides in Lancaster, SC with his wife, Aimee and their Siberian Husky, Maximus Aurelius. He is also the proud father of 2 adult children, Nathan and Christine, precious gifts in marriage with his late wife, Kathleen. Jonathan enjoys composing, arranging and recording music, reading, traveling, board games, the ocean/beach, good food, music and movies.

He holds a BA in Religion at Gardner-Webb (now) University and an MDiv in Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a graduate and current board member of the Arrow Leadership Program and is currently enrolled in the Ascent Communicators’ Cohort.

The following Scripture passages have been inspirational to Jonathan and characteristic of His calling to ministry:

Colossians 1:28–29 (NIV)  28 We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. 29 To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.

2 Timothy 2:1–2 (NIV)  1 You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.



Everyone’s story is unique in the ways that God will choose to use them. We should not emulate another’s story! Everyone has their own story. You open the door to The Lord by saying “yes” before you even know what the question is. You become obedient to whatever the next thing is and it prepares you for all the other “next things”. 

Sometimes we leave what we love and what we know… and it ends up being the best thing possible. We often do not really know what is best for our own lives. God’s eternal perspective is not about what we are to do, but about what we are to become

Christ IS our life-- it is HIS. When we surrender, God shows himself faithful-- even in the difficult times.

The Character of GOD

Transcendence: Having a God that you can “control” is not a god worth having. He is beyond our imaginations. He is larger than life! Only someone that big is worthy of our worship. Our minds cannot even wrap the infinite nature of God. 

The Knowledge of The Holy by A.W. Towzer 

He has infinite characteristics! He has traits that we don’t even have names for. They are all infinite in measure! 

His Fatherliness + Motherliness: We are His sons and daughters, not His subjects. He doesn’t just tolerate us, He loves us! This encompasses His patience, tenderness, and extravagance with grace. 


Adversity often reveals the character of God. It creates a hunger to know more than you knew before. However, what you knew before sets you up for new revelations as well. Our obedience in the midst of difficulties gives us a picture of God that we would not have experienced in any other way. 


Jonathan lost his wife of 30 years. In the first year of their marriage she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. 

Throughout the pain, The Lord was incredibly sweet to their family. The Church was amazing, but there is only so much that people can do. 

“As bad as it was, I know that we could not be where we are-- with an understanding of God-- had we not gone through it. I don’t want to go through it again, but I can be grateful to have experienced the goodness of God in the midst of suffering in life.”  — Jonathan’s daughter’s reflections after the loss of her mother

Paul, in Philippians, says that he longs to know the power of the resurrection and share in the sufferings of Christ… yet most of us probably don’t want to actually partake in the suffering. However, the greatest priority and passion in this life and the next is unhindered fellowship and communion with the God who made us and redeemed us. There is nothing on earth that we can lose that cannot be made up for by a renewed understanding of the joy and fellowship in God. The real things of value are the things of God. Often suffering rips away the false security of the world and forces us to replace it with intimacy with God. 

It’s OK to feel exactly what you are feeling in the midst of your pain. Be honest about where you are because He is right there. He understands because he has been there and more. Sometimes Jesus doesn’t take away the pain, but He will whisper “I know. I see. You are not forgotten.”

Let God have his chance to speak. Take time being silent before The Lord. He is the High Priest who can sympathize with all of our sufferings. He carries our griefs and sorrows. 

He won’t always take us out of it, but He can take us through it without leaving us for a moment. 

Sabbatical + Rest 

Begin with the question: What do I love to do? 

Allow yourself to play and engage in the things you love. God put those in you for a reason. When you do the things you love, it allows you to reconnect with who you were created to be. 

This allows you to enjoy God and enjoy the you that He created you to be. 

Solitude, Stillness, + Silence 

Our soul hungers for something more than this life can offer. But we can tap into it by getting alone and being still before The Lord. He leads us before “still waters” because it is easier to drink deeply without the distractions. This will nourish your soul. 

Final Thoughts 

The world right now feels very untethered. God is calling to us in the midst of chaos to come to Him. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened.” 

Matthew 11

God doesn’t just say, “I have what you need.” He says, “I AM what you need.” 

In the midst of whatever you are dealing with, there is a voice that is calling you to come and receive a life that is abundant, and transcendent. It is the life that you were called for. God wants nothing less than His best for us! 


That’s right!! Videos are back!





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  • The Collected Podcast is a production of Collected Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping disciples of Jesus discover and live from their true identity in Christ, recognize and walk in their divine purpose within the Kingdom of God, and experience growth in their capacity for mature, healthy relationships.

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  • The Collected Podcast is produced by Jes Biondo and edited by Jacob Early. Cover art designed by Ben Biondo.