Episode #25- Andy Squyres
The One with Andy Squyres
We're talking creative process, struggle, and success by way of only making the art you really want make with Andy Squyers this week on the podcast.
Andy is a “working class musician singing blue collar praise.” He’s a singer/songwriter and the worship pastor at Queen City Church in Charlotte, NC. He’s a husband and a father to six children.
Our challenge for you this week is to create something just for you and do it in a way you’ve never done it before. Andy says, “The best art is in the risk.”
Be courageous as you tap into your creative nature!
Instagram: @andysquyres
Collected Workshops are centered on worship, restorative , and designated time for reflection, evaluation, and setting intentions. We help you provide a safe environment for your community to practice low-stakes creative risk-taking that will spur them in their gifting and step further into their calling. Leaders will rise up, ministries and businesses will be born, and all will find new connection with their true identity. Imagine what a whole community of Believers who know who they are in Christ and understand their purpose as Kingdom cultivators can do! Email us at hello@collectedworkshops.com to book your Collected Workshop today!
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Tia McNelly @tiamcnellynotes
Are you longing to hear from God? Visit tiamcnelly.com for Five Ways God Speaks in Everyday Life
Jes Biondo @sprezzafoundry
Use code ‘podcast’ for 10% off your order of hand lettered art at sprezzafoundry.etsy.com
Mikala Hooper @thecreativespaceNC
This episode of The Collected Podcast was recorded and edited by Jacob Early.
Collected proudly partners with and supports Flourish Kenya, a non-prfit working to prevent and support unplanned pregnancy in rural Kenya. Learn more at flourishkenya.com
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