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S4 Episode #13- Jes Biondo


With this episode dropping right after Easter, I want to take some time to focus on Jesus this week. 

Emmanuel= God with us, so when you understand Immanuel, you have–  as Tony Evans says–  “God concentrated”. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus is described in very specific ways that point to the name of God that we learned in the Old Testament. 

Some of Jesus’ final words on the cross: 

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46

When Jesus said these words, the devout Jews in the crowd would have recognized them from David’s words in Psalm 22. Jews at this time studied and memorized the Torah. They would have memorized entire chapters of Psalms, and they would have been able to continue with the next line as naturally as you and I can finish the line: “Stop, calibrate and…” 


Woah!! David is describing a Roman crucifixion 1,000 years before the death of Jesus… and 500 years before the crucifixion was even invented! 

So when Jesus chose Psalm 22:1 as His last words, he was reminding the people that this was the plan all along. David had foreshadowed this 1000 years before in his own personal dark night of the soul. Jesus KNEW this was going to happen. He knew how horrific and tortuous it would be and still he did it. 

Nothing surprises God. And we know that Jesus’ cry of desperation was not the end of the story. By saying these words, was Jesus trying to send a message of hope to the people in the crowd? To us today? A message that reminds us that even when things are at the darkest hour, Jesus is going to rise again and conquer all death and sin once and for all.  

The final line of Psalm 22 states, “He has done it!” Oh, if only David knew the truth, hope, peace and redemption held within those words when they are applied to Jesus’ work on the cross! Jesus truly has done it. He has done EVERYTHING that is needed to cover every sin you could ever imagine. There is not anything you can do, think or say is not covered by what Jesus did on the cross. 


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I’m sorry to say we have no video this week… we will be back with our regularly scheduled videos for the next episode. :)


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  • The Collected Podcast is a production of Collected Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping disciples of Jesus discover and live from their true identity in Christ, recognize and walk in their divine purpose within the Kingdom of God, and experience growth in their capacity for mature, healthy relationships.

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  • The Collected Podcast is produced by Jes Biondo and edited by Jacob Early. Cover art designed by Ben Biondo.